Chicken breast with pommes fondant, carrot creme and red wine jus.

2Chicken breast

4 chicken breasts
salt and pepper

Pan sear the chicken. Roast in oven at 100°C until inner temperature reaches 62°C. Let the chicken rest for at least an half an hour at room temperature. Just before serving sear the chicken skin side down until the skin is crispy. Apply salt and pepper.

Pommes Fondant

4 large potaoes
Goose or duck fat

Melt the goose fat in a sauce pan. Peel the potatoes and cut them into cubes or barrel-shapes. put the potaoes in a roasting tin. Pour over the melted goose/duck fat over the potatoes. Roast the potaotes for 30-35min in a oven at 200°

Red wine jus

1 shallot, sliced
1 clove of garlic, lightly crushed
2 sprigs of thyme
3 sprigs of parsley
50g of balsamic vinager
200g of red wine
500g of veal stock
Acacia honey (optional)
A knob of butter

Sautè the shallot and garlic clove in butter at medium high heat for a minute or two. Add the thyme and the parsley. Continue cooking for two minutes. Pour in the vinegar and the wine and cook until reduced by two thirds. Pour in the stock and bring to a boil. Turn down the heat and let the sauce reduce by two thirds. Add a knob of butter and maybe a little honey.

Grilled Shallots

2 shallots
A whisk of olive oil

Bring water to a boil. Let the shallots cook for 2-3 minutes. Peel the shallots. Do not remove the root stem. Cut the shallots i half lenghtwise. Oil the shallots and let the sear in a grill pan until you have a nice pattern. Keep warm.

Carrot creme

500g carrots
150g cream
150g milk
fresh lemon juice

Slice the carrots as thinly as possible. Boil the carrots in cream and milk until the carrots are soft. Mix the carrots with a little salt and a few drops of lemon juice, with a stick blender until you have a smooth creme. Keep warm

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